A-Z Index


How does the Universe, the big and small, work? This is the little task that physics has set for itself. As a physics student, you would follow in the mental footsteps of great scientists such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein as you begin your own journey to understand the infinite.

Mathematics forms a crucial language to model ideas in physics. As a student, you will delve into mathematics as a tool to describe ideas encompassing quantum mechanics (the small) and relativity (the big and the fast.)

The modern world rests heavily upon the ideas of physics from optics and semiconductors to quantum computers and celestial mechanics. Understanding how light and materials interact is crucial in advancing technologies and gives physics majors insight into current and emerging technologies.

Physics Programs

Physics is a part of so many areas of science and technology in the modern world. Because of this, we've developed several programs that focus on the overlap between biology, computer science and geology, as well as the focused general physics program.

Students in these programs often minor in other fields, such as mathematics, which extends the math content of a physics major.

You may consider one of the following programs:

Student Spotlight

One of my favorite classes was human anatomy. By working in labs and doing research, I really got hands-on experience with science, and that motivated me to go into the medical field.

– Matt Breen

Profession-based Learning

Students in any of the physics programs are given many opportunities for hands-on experience through course lab participation, lab assistance and undergraduate research. Faculty have a research agenda and undergraduates are encouraged to get involved in their junior and senior years.

Students are also encouraged to branch out and pursue summer research positions, either on campus or at other facilities. There are many opportunities for undergraduates to explore fields of research through paid summer internships. Students have had experience at facilities, such as Fermilab, Vanderbilt University, University of Strasbourg (France) and more.

Northwest is focused on preparing students for their next steps after graduation and encouraging profession-based learning opportunities, day one.