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Nanoscale Sciences

What is nanoscale science?

Nanoscale science is the study and use of materials at the molecular or nanometer level. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter, or approximately one one-millionth the size of the period at the end of this sentence. At Northwest, this interdisciplinary major centers on biology, chemistry and physics.

Nanoscale Programs

A degree in nanoscience opens many doors after graduation. Interested in pursuing a career in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, electronics, chemicals or chemistry? You may enjoy one of the following Northwest programs: 

Student Spotlight

Doing my research here has been a huge help,” Forbes said. “I feel like Northwest just offers a lot of opportunities for a variety of people that allow for everyone to be successful and find their own niche.

– Dalton Forbes

This program prepares students for a high-growth, high-tech career. Students gain an in-depth understanding of nanoscale phenomena while obtaining hands-on experience and access to state-of-the-art instrumentation and computer simulations. 

Northwest has the first-and still the only-undergraduate program in nanoscale science in the region.

Explore our website more to learn about the courses, faculty, laboratories, and research opportunities that make Northwest an excellent place to launch your career.

For more information or to schedule a visit, feel free to contact us.

Office of Admissions
Phone: 1.660.562.1562